Sunday, February 19, 2012

George Hunder (bio)


Experimenting on Gralg Legally and Illegally
George was one of the scientists that tested Gralg. Once it became illegal he continued in his testing of the substance. It was during his illegal experiments that some Gralg was able to get out into the world by accident.

The Raid
Plague and Matthias come in and tie up George and his group. While Plague leaves to search the rest of the house, Matthias stays. George then gets into a conversation with Matthias because George mistook him for John Johnson. George later answers Plague's questions about how George is involved with Gralg.


George Hunder and Matthias
George is sure that Matthias is actually John Johnson. So he feels sad that Matthias can't remember.

George Hunder and Phillips "Plague" Noir
George doesn't care for Plague. But this is due to their first meeting not going well.


First Appearance
The Green: Remnants

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